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A Negh'Var Class vessel

The Negh'Var Class warship was the largest class starship known to operate in the Klingon Empire during the late 24th century.

  • In 2372, the IKS Negh'Var, which was a vessel of this type, was the flagship of the Klingon Imperial Fleet. While under the command of General Martok, she led the Klingon Empire's invasion of the Cardassian Union around stardate 49011. She thereafter fought an action at Deep Space 9, where she was able to breach the station's shields long enough to transport several troops aboard. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
  • In the Mirror Universe, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance utilized the same design, referred to simply as a cruiser, in the construction of the Regent's flagship. (DS9: "Shattered Mirror", "The Emperor's New Cloak")
  • In Q's anti-time future, the USS Pasteur was attacked by two of these attack cruisers while in the Devron system. The crew of the Pasteur was saved by the USS Enterprise-D, after destroying one of the Klingon vessels. (TNG: "All Good Things...")
  • In alternate timeline, Korath had multiple vessels of this general type at his disposal. (VOY: "Endgame")
  • In 2407, several dozen Negh'Var Class ships aided the 52nd Fleet during the battle for Sector 001. The ships were used to destroy key strategic components of the Mars Defense Perimeter utilizing their long-range weapons.

Technical data

The Negh'Var warship was one of the largest and most formidable ships in the Empire. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", etc.)

According to Visual Effects Supervisor David Stipes, an overall length of 2250 feet (686 meters) was generally used for onscreen scaling of the ship.Unlike the contemporary design that this ship mimics, the scale of the mirror universe's version of this vessel was depicted as being several times the scale of the original.
  • The mirror universe design of this vessel was capable of attaining speeds up to warp 9 and was equipped with escape shuttles. (DS9: "Shattered Mirror", "The Emperor's New Cloak")

[edit] Physical arrangement

  • The outboard plan of the Negh'Var warship design incorporated the same basic shape and classic lineage dating back over two hundred years; indeed, sharing a strong resemblance to the era's Vor'cha Class attack cruiser.

The bridge module was separated from the main body by a thick neck that flared towards the aft of the ship into the forward-swept wings, which were reinforced by raised supports and contained the ship's embedded warp nacelles. Contained within these wings were the ship's impulse engines.

Below the primary hull were two weapons pods. A triangular superstructure was located on the dorsal section of the ship contained the ship's daughtercraft. The ship was also outfitted with several spikes, located on the aft of the triangular superstructure and warp nacelles. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", etc.)

According to the 'Star Trek Fact Files the Negh'Var's weapon pods could also be used as auxiliary nacelles.

At least two design variations were conceived for this class found in alternate timelines.

In the first variant, seen in Q's anti-time future, occurring during the late 24th century, the Negh'Var design did not incorporate the ventral weapon pods. Additional "spike"- or "antennae"-like structures were placed on the bow of the ship and on the forward part of the nacelle tips, and two "fin" or "fang"-like structures protruded from the ventral section of the bow on the lower bridge module. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

The second variant, seen in an alternate 2404 timeline, shared components of both the original and first variant designs, possessing the former's weapons pod and the latter's "spikes" and "fins". (VOY: "Endgame")

Tactical Systems

Negh'Var firing weapons

Heavily armed, the Negh'Var warship were equipped with several disruptor emplacements. The original design had an emplacement located at the tips of the pods located on the underside of the ship’s belly. This class was also equipped with a Cloaking device. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "By Inferno's Light")

In one possible future timeline variant, this class could easily outgun an Olympic Class hospital ship, yet were heavily outgunned themselves by the Galaxy Class counterpart of the era. This design had disruptor placements aft tips of the primary hull, two outboard disruptors at the front of both wing tips (fore of nacelles), a forward emitter located below the main bridge and several emitters located along the forward baseline of the ship and one on the ventral center of the ship. This variant was also equipped with a cloaking device. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

The weapon placements shown on the ships appearing in "All Good Things" match the locations noted in Sternbach's original sketch of the design. Elements described in his sketch that were not stated on screen include the fact that the ship was armed with phaser emitters at these locations as well as the forward most position was the location of the ship‘s torpedo launcher.

In a second possible future timeline variant, disruptor fire from one of these vessels was essentially ineffective against Starfleet ablative generator-deployed hull armor. This class was also relatively inferior in firepower to the uprated Nova Class. (VOY: "Endgame")

In the Mirror Universe, this design was described by Intendant Kira Nerys as being "quick and powerful", however, were not without their weaknesses; specifically, their targeting systems could be easily fooled. Additionally, the ship proved to be unable to lock onto an enemy vessel attacking from close proximity. (DS9: "Shattered Mirror", "The Emperor's New Cloak") This class was not initially equipped with a cloaking device, but briefly acquired one in 2375 after one was stolen by Quark and Rom from the IKS Rotarran, a prime universe Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Rom was successful in installing the cloak, but in doing so performed an act of sabotage, which resulted in the loss of all primary systems on the ship coinciding with the disengaging of the cloak. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")