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Latest revision as of 11:42, 20 October 2014

Medical and Psychological Profile


Name: Janel Tarna
Species: Trill (unjoined)
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 5th January
Birthplace: Mak'ala, Trill
Age: 26

Starfleet Serial Number: JU-031-207
Rank: Ensign (JG)
Position: ACMO
Assignment: USS Spectre
Clearance: D2-L2

OverviewMedical & Psychological Records

Physical Attributes

Starfleet Medical.png

Patient Reference Number: JU-031-207
Name: Janel Tarna
Species: Trill Unjoined
Gender: Male
Date of Birth:2388.01.05
Birthplace: Mak'ala, Trill
Age: 26

Special Abilities: No telepathic, empathic or extrasensory abilities.
Disabilities: None
Handedness: Right

Blood Group: TRLL O+
Blood Colour: Red

Height: 5'10 (1.78m)
Weight: 70kg

Skin Colour: Caucasian, lightly tanned.
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Trill spots on face and body.

Physical Description

Janel is tall and slim with short hair, he has the typical brown markings of a Trill on his face and neck. He usually opts to wear the duty waistcoat and undershirt, as he prefers to keep his sleeves out of the way and feels it gives him a more sophisticated look. His hair often has a slightly tousled look and he can often be observed running his hands through it, or tugging it as he thinks through the puzzles of the day. Out of work he likes to dress in the latest fashions, wearing eye catching, showy clothes that he hopes will impress.

Medical History

Allergies and Reactions: Date: 2396.06.20 - Allergic reaction following use of Tryptophan-Lysine Distillate to treat Pneumonia.
Chronic Illnesses: None
Regular Medications: None

Substance Use History[edit]

Alcohol: None
Recreation Drugs: None
Other: None

History of Care[edit]

2396.06.20: Treated for pneumonia. Following a reaction to Tryptophan-Lysine Distillate patient was treated with Doxycycline.
2400.03.15: Treated for fractured scaphoid, bruising to forehead, forearm, elbow and right knee following a slip on ice.

Physical Evaluations[edit]

2414.09.28: Dr J.A. Hazeim, Academy physician reporting on Janel Tarna’s physical and mental readiness to pass through the Academy and be placed into active service:-

"Janel Tarna's physical health and fitness is within Federation Standards. Psychologically he is able to cope with a lot of pressure but needs to manage his expectations and workload better. It has been noted that he doesn't eat or sleep as well as he should at times and has been warned that this could lower his immune system, make him more prone to illness, injury, reduce his ability to cope with stress and potentially lead to burnout. That being said I see no reason not to declare this individual fit for duty."

Psychiatric History

Psychological Profile[edit]

Personality Type:
Mental Health Problems: None
Personality Summary: Janel is a bright, friendly and positive soul who always has a smile on his face. He is family oriented, craving the love and respect of his own family as well as hoping to have his own one day. Janel isn't very competitive by nature and it takes a nudge to get him going but once he is, he's completely committed to being the best. The fact that he is practical, well organised, an excellent time keeper and a hard worker has helped him succeed. He's patient and perseveres long after many others would have given up. He enjoys keeping records and is always writing notes.

It's common for people to want their family to be proud of them but none more than Janel. He secretly wants to be admired by his family, friends and the world at large, this makes him a bit of a try hard and he'll do anything to impress and get closer to his ultimate goal but unfortunately it can lead to him promising more than he's able to deliver. In an effort to do his family proud and succeed in being selected for joining he has chosen to train as a doctor rather than following his heart. This can leave him feeling emotionally unfulfilled and prone to burnout.

Personal Preferences, Hobbies and Interests


  • Cross-country and trail running
  • Holography
  • Hiking, hillwalking and climbing.
  • Camping
  • Diving
  • Anything else that lets him explore nature.
  • Singing in the shower.


  • Overly sweet food or food that’s still alive.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Klingon Opera, rave, trance or any other music that could be described as ‘a loud grating noise’.

Exploring the great outdoors both above and below the sea is Janel's greatest love and it's where his passion really lies. He likes walking, mountaineering, climbing and diving etc. It doesn't matter where he goes, he always has at least one camera with him as he loves to capture still photographs and record footage of the wildlife he spots. He likes to get involved with conservation and education programs as much as possible and has been involved in projects involving holography, holoconferencing, and publicity. The nature of his job means that he can't get as hands on or involved as he would like but he helps in whatever way he can in the limited free time he permits himself.

Psychiatric Evaluations[edit]

2414.09.28: Dr J.A. Hazeim, Academy physician reporting on Janel Tarna’s physical and mental readiness to pass through the Academy and be placed into active service:-

"Janel Tarna's physical health and fitness is within Federation Standards. Psychologically he is able to cope with a lot of pressure but needs to manage his expectations and workload better. It has been noted that he doesn't eat or sleep as well as he should at times and has been warned that this could lower his immune system, make him more prone to illness, injury, reduce his ability to cope with stress and potentially lead to burnout. That being said I see no reason not to declare this individual fit for duty."