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Revision as of 17:42, 20 January 2024

Tegian Pex is a Male Joined Trill aged 28 who is assigned to the USS Illuminar

Age: 28

Height 6'3"

Weight: 180 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Physical Description

Tegian Pex is tall and lanky with a ready smile. Piercing blue eyes and a squared jaw should have given him a chance at any partner that he might have chosen, but he lacked any sort of confidence. Since his joining, at age 26, he has developed confidence, but a bit of cockiness, tempered by years of experience.


With his Mother's connections, Tegian was sent to the finest Engineering University on Trill. He learned not only theory, but practical application and he excelled and graduated near the top of his class. However, much to his parents' dismay, he wanted Starfleet. While Trill wasn't part of Starfleet, Teigan knew there were talks of rejoining and he wanted to help rebuild their fleets.

Family and Background

Tegian Pimox was born the third child of a shuttle pilot, Grajol and a diplomatic minister, Misia. His two elder siblings followed in their parents steps. His sister, Jusiad, becoming the pilot, and his brother, Guhje, becoming a diplomat. Somehow, neither seemed right for Tegian. He liked to fix things. And a shuttle pilot always has to fix his own shuttle, so Tegian had something interesting to repair. He showed real aptitude at a young age, so his parents sent him to be trained as an engineer.

Pre- Starfleet History

Tegian's mother had a hand in things again. The baby of the family, she didn't want him going to Starfleet, but she also doted on him and he had excelled and she was proud. She couldn't bear to deny him his dream. She wanted to maximize his chances of survival. While she'd never tell Tegian and she covered her tracks well, she made sure that Tegian would be a host for a symbiont. She did her research to select one she thought maximize her child's chances in a dangerous galaxy. She selected Pex. Tegian would be Pex's eight host. While Pex was not known in Starfleet, he was highly celebrated in the history of Trill. He'd been in the hosts of a engineer, doctor, soldier, astronavigator, diplomat, governor, and most recently, pilot. While the joining was difficult for Tegian at first, he gradually adjusted over the course of the first year. He learned to not be resentful of the delay to join Starfleet.

Starfleet History

2440 - 2444 - Starfleet Academy 2445 - Advanced Engineering School 2446 - Illuminar Advance to the rank of Lieutenant (jg) Earned the post of Chief Engineer

Skills and Abilities Profile

Affinity with all sorts of engineering, not just taking things apart and putting them together. He is also a natural in reprogramming a computer. Because of his symbiont, he has skills in piloting, medicine, weapons, hand to hand combat, astronavigation, diplomacy and leadership, although he's not attempted to make use of them beyond what's been asked of him in various circumstances. What his limits may be are unknown to him.

Medical History

Tegian has a symbiont.


Tegian enjoys archaic human fencing and is ambidextrous.

Miscellaneous Information


Crew on the USS Illuminar
Command Staff: Captain Sekal, Commanding Officer | Commander Williams-Verin, First Officer | Commander Peters, Second Officer
Flight & Operations Staff: Lieutenant Gregory, Chief Operations Officer | Lieutenant Grey Wolf, acting Flight Squadron Executive Officer | Ensign Montero, Flight Operations Officer | Chief Tamblyn, Operations Officer
Medical Staff: Lieutenant Solice, Chief Medical Officer | Lieutenant Trei, Assistant Chief Medical Officer & Counsellor | Lieutenant Ravenstone, Counsellor | Ensign Edwards, Medical Officer | Chief Miller, Medical Technician
Tactical & Security Staff: Ensign Lee, Assistant Chief Security Officer | Ensign T'Mur, Security Officer | Ensign McTaggard, Security Officer | Ensign Talence, Security Officer | Petty Officer Devers, Security Officer | Petty Officer Hammons, Security Officer
Engineering Staff: Lieutenant Jordaan, acting Chief Engineering Officer | Ensign Matrix, Engineering Officer | Ensign Transitor, Engineering Officer | Ensign Alantar, Engineering Officer | Cadet Valar, Engineering Intern
Science Staff: Ensign Alyl, Assistant Chief Science Officer | Ensign Stennin, Assistant Chief of Research and Development | Ensign Winters, Science Officer (Botanist) | Ensign Winters, Science Officer
Other Starfleet Staff: Lieutenant Commander Mias, Ambassador
Civilians: Luma’Lenai, Computer Specialist | Michaella Kirian-Mias, Ambassador | Edwin Glasmaker, Chef