Victor Stanton

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Victor Stanton
Name: Victor Stanton
Rank: CEO Stanton Industries
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 54
Position: Chief Stockholder of Stanton Industries
Ship: The Noble (Private Yacht)
Status: Inactive:
"The rabble exists simply to serve the upper class. There are those in which refinement, art, literature and luxury would be wasted upon. They simply don’t have the wit or the mental capacity to appreciate such finer things. Equality is nothing more than a foolish fantasy. I recognize that fact even if others do not or will not."
— {{{2}}}

Family and Background:

The Stanton family can trace its roots back to eleventh century Europe, Terra. The Stanton’s have always been successful financially and are often called ‘old money’ as the current family can trace the beginnings of it’s fortune all the way back to the 1820’s on Terra.

Victor inherited the family fortune from his father over thirty years ago and has not looked back since. The Stanton family has various corporations under the umbrella of Stanton Industries and they now have influence in just about every major industry in the Federation.

Stanton is a major supporter of Rodrigo Doenitz and that support has paid off for him in more than one way. New Stanton facilities have been opened in recent years on Telar, Andoria, Betazed and even Vulcan. Stanton has also invested heavily in shipping in recent years and has built an impressive merchant fleet under the Stanton banner.

Recently however, Stanton has become involved in a number of charity groups which is wildly out of character for him and has raised suspicion in some quarters.

While family friends say that his new involvement in charitable organizations is a result of him losing his now estranged daughter Leesa N. Stanton to Starfleet and the 52nd Fleet and the desertion of his wife Demora Stanton. Others however point out the suspected ties between one of these charity groups that Stanton has made substantial donations to, is a front for the hate group Humans for Humanity.


Stanton has refined tastes and enjoys stage, opera and symphony orchestras. Stanton is an excellent pianist and is gifted with the violin and cello. Physically fit he spends three days a week with a trainer and has a black belt in judo and is a master fencer.

Medical History:

Stanton suffered a serious head injury in a shuttle crash in his youth but otherwise has had no other serious injuries. Currently he is in perfect health.


Presidential Medal of Patriotism Awarded by President Rodrigo Doenitz on Stardate 2406.07.22.