The Lesser Evil

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With the USS Starfire recalled to starbase for problems with the last series of Defiant-class ships build at sector 6309 shipyard, and tragic faith of the USS Soval crew during a mission on Anohsia, the two crew are merged under the command of Captain Syuvik. With two crews and one ship, two group identity exist that need to be broken into a single crew. The [USS Soval]] has lost many senior officers during the last mission, but there are still more than 400 crew members and officers healthy and alive. The small crew complement of the USS Starfire can't compare in numbers, but they do compare in quality with all the senior officers alive. Syuvik is therefore forced to name most of the senior officers from the USS Starfire to senior positions on the USS Soval.

Hoping to use their recent experience as a constructive situation, Commodore Larsson, the new commander of Starbase 989 and admiral in command of the task force which the USS Soval is part, request the ship service for a mission on Quezal, a people that just lived a tragedy, going from millions to only a few hundred thousands after an explosion ravaged the entire planet.

Act I : Misery loves company

Part I : There Is Always Someone Worse Off Than You

Arriving in orbit of the planet, the senior staff is invited to visit the installation within the Medical Station in orbit of Quezal. They experience first hand the suffering and despair of the Quezalth survivors.