Avery Brooks

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An academy classmate of Ensigns James Guildford and Julia Tagliani. He was a member of the Inquisition and participated in the Inquisition's council of three.

Brooks was sympathetic to LoDona's cause. While at the academy she met up with an older cadet, James Guildford who was secretley recruiting cadets to take over to LaDona's side. Already symapthetic to LoDona's forces, he joined him. The fifteen cadets who were recruited formed the backbone for a club called the Inquisition. Upon graduation, the members of the Inquisition gathered together and decided to defect to Admiral LaDona's Starfleet. Utilizing family contacts, Ensign Guildford was able to arrange transportation in the form of a shuttlecraft to the Beta Quadrant. Before the Inquisition was able to leave Earth, they were found out by one of their proffessors, Cosico Thoma's, who was pretending to be loyal to Doenitz. Thoma's gave the Inquisition several PADDs containing classified information to take to LaDona.

A photo of the planet Andoria.

The newly minted ensigns all got aboard the private shuttle, minus one, Timothy Watters. Watters was actually a Doenitz loyalist who betrayed the Inquisition, as would become apparent later. The shuttlecraft was running the Andoria blockade when it was fired upon by a pair of Akira class ships. Damaged, the shuttle crash-landed on Andoria.

The hostile ships took up orbit and began sending away teams to the surface to finish the job they had started. It was while the members of the Inquisition were hiding near the crash site that it was overheard that Tim Watters had given SFI the names and number of the members of the Inquisiton, as well as the route the shuttle was going to take through Federation space. Doenitz's away teams were suddenly and brutally attacked by an Andorian Resistance Cell. Recognizing the Ensigns as friendly, the Andorians took them to their base camp. The Inquisition immediately began helping, healing wounded, repairing equipment, and even going on raids. Ensigns Guildford, Tagliani, and Brooks developed a plan to simultaneously strike a major blow against the occupation and steal several shuttles. The Inquisition planned on getting aboard one shuttle and programming the other shuttles to scatter in different directions with false life signs, creating distractions and hopefully allowing them to escape.

Ensign Avery Brooks on Andoria

Ensign Brooks managed to convince the Andorians to go along with the plan the Inquisition 'council of three' had developed. The plan was adapted and polished into a two week operation. James was given a lieutenant's uniform and snuck into a nearby Starfleet Base. He downloaded the contents of Starfleet's Andoria operations, giving the resistance valuable information to plan their future attacks. James also secretely added an access program into the lighting systems, allowing the resistance to tap into the Starfleet mainframe through a system that wasn't considered critical. Using this program, the resistance falsified orders, and had seven runabouts fueled and ready to launch at a moment's notice. The resistance then prepared the first major attack against a Starfleet installation, contacting seven other cells and coordinating with them.

On the night of the attack, one resistance cell distracted Starfleet security by launching attacks on shield and power generators at a nearby Starfleet sensor installation. The other cells infiltrated the base from catacomb tunnels below, and began securing the base. Utilizing the backdoor in the computer's mainframe the Inquisition managed to disable the base security system and prevent the lock out of the control system. After capturing the base, the Andorians began transmitting a signal throughout Andoria, letting them know what had happened, and notifying all starfleet personnel that Andoria would be free again. The Inquisition then boarded two of the seven runabouts and ran the blockade, finally reaching Starbase Geneva for reassignment.