Harvey Armstrong

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Harvey Armstrong
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Harvey Armstrong

  • Vital Statistics
    • Age: 30
    • Gender: Male
    • Birthplace: Port Elizabeth, Earth
    • Species: Human
  • Physical Information
    • Eye Color: Hazel
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Height: 6'4 feet
    • Weight: 220 lbs
    • Skin Color: Dark Brown
  • Career Statistics

Physical Description

Harvey is tall and muscular. He has a fair skin tone for his race and his eyes are narrow and seem to be hidden in his skull. He appears to be squinting most time. This has come from his years spent on the beaches and water in his home town. His build is that of a physically fit runner with strong muscle tone. His shoulders and neck are prominent features that look, hard. His hair is kept extremely short and sharp around his forehead and face. The sides of his head are bear without hair as he grooms it off daily. Harvey stands very tall and remains formal in his attitude towards others. No slouching. He looks quick and is very dexterous.


Harvey's parents were casualties of the Civil War. His father had been assigned to the defense forces and had perished during the last days of the battle. His mother was placed on a transport ship and was critically injured as the transport was severely damaged in its escape effort. His mother suffered for weeks upon her return to earth and died in Port Elizabeth at her husband's family's beach home. Harvey had spent many months there and remained with his family following the long tradition of Marine studies for which the Armstrong's were famous. He lived at the beach house as he studied at university. Harvey was guided into his collegiate studies under family leading and the pressure they placed on him to become An Armstrong is a strong influence on his life. Like many young idealistic men, he has discovered that his best gift to the family would be to go out and serve justice, in order to prevent in as much as he us able the spread of factionalism within the Federation. He left school to go serve...


Harvey has attended and completed a Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology. Upon completion of the degree he immediately began his Masters level work in Meteorology, he lacks several classes to finish his Masters work.. The oceans of a planet are always joined with the Atmospheric conditions, carrying degree wok in both has assisted Harvey in understanding how each work independently as well as together. Tidal patterns as well as weather have similar effects on the minds and attitudes of people which is the true relational study Harvey pursues. Harvey entered Starfleet Academy in order to make a difference for mankind.

Pre-Starfleet History

Harvey has been a professional student until the deaths of his parents. He was raised in a privileged scientific family who all had letters after their names and were proud of that. He is influenced heavily by family traditions and encouraged in the family business of Marine Biology and Meteorology. He has recently decided to leave that behind for a more hands on approach of peace through presence. While revenge would be too strong a statement, a desire to right wrongs would not. He wants to be a part of something useful to other people and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Starfleet History

Assigned to the USS Boudicca

Medical History

Harvey can hold his breath for prolonged periods up to four minutes. Harvey gets cold easily.


Harvey has isolated himself throughout the duration of his schooling as a defense mechanism. Since the break off of his family ties he is coming into an exploration period which he avoided throughout puberty, a late bloomer.


Harvey is an avid SCUBA diver and has been for the bulk of his life. He has learned to pilot water vessels or all types including submersibles. Over the years of working in Marine environments, he has developed the ability to hold his breath for longer than average times up to four minutes. He has gained an innate ability to predict with extreme accuracy weather when near the ocean on M-Class planets. Through his masters work to date he has been able to extend that ability on a very limited level to other classes of planets. Harvey is an accomplished seafood chef.

Other Notes

The sea is safety to Harvey. He understands it and flees to it when stress comes. He loves the beach and the various aspects of life around it.


None at this time.


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