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Irilx is a planet deep in the Beta Quadrant that has been charted but not yet been contacted, by the Federation. It has just been discovered by the intrepid crew of the 52nd Fleet exploration vessel the USS Champlain. Little is yet known about it.

It appears that the people of this planet, the Irlixians, have developed warp drive, since a primitive warp ship has been discovered emmanating from there. Mysteriously, however, the ship encountered by the Champlain displays a Federation warp signature. The odds against this being a coincidence are astronomical... but as far as the crew knows, no contact has been made with Irlix by the Federation. Join us as we prepare for a First Contact!

Planet stucture

"M" (Minshara) Class, about 13,000 kilometers in diameter, normal Earthlike atmospheric composition, 65% water coverage. Solar cycle, 32 hours.

Temperate, with mountain ranges in located on continental plates similar to the arrangement found on Earth. Rain forests in equatorial regions.

Number of Continental plates: Unkonwn.

Polar icecaps: Unknown.

Metropolitan areas: Unknown.

== Populace ==

First picture of an Irlixian Girl

Sentient race, Humanoid, purplish skin, markings and small, residual antlers somewhat similar to Terran gazelles.

Language: Unknown.

Culture: Unknown.

Defensive Capabilities: Unknown.

General Tech Level: Unknown.