Jessica Signos

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Ensign SG Jessica Signos
Ensign JG Jessica Signos
Name: Jessica Signos
Name: Lily
Age: 25
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Earth
Species: Human
Eye Color: Blue
Eye Color: Lavender
Hair Color: Black
Hair Color: Black, with Silver streaks
Height: 5 foot
Weight: 99 lbs
Blood Color: Red
Skin Color: White
Skin Color: White, light blue highlights around the eyes.
Current rank: Ensign
Current Position: Assistant Tactical Chief
Assignment: USS Rosenante
The USS Rosenanté NCC–924650
Status: Active
"I have lived in the darkest places, done the darkest of deeds, lived the darkest of lies, and In the end I know that only I can bring my salvation.""
- Jessica Signos
Note: Any information in (( )) denotes details pertinent to Jessica's alternate personality

Physical Description:

Both are small often mistaken has a well developed child from a distance.Jessica's eyes sparkle like sapphires, (( While Lily's are a deep lavender.)) Their hair is long midnight black, (( has Lily shows streaks of sliver.)) Their build is well defined by sharp curves and Whip cord muscles of one that has been drilled in several forms of martial arts and has practiced several form of dance since the age of five.


Little is known about Jessica's parents are the odd circumstances that surround their death. What is known is that Jessica is the union between her father which was a black op solder of significant rank, and her mother an exotic dancer of more than a little renown. It is from these two influences in her life that Jessica is trained in dance and martial arts.

(( Section 31's interest in Jessica came during this time when she was still a child and the possible discovery of a freak biological mutation that once activated would slow the aging process to a near stop. To Section 31 the possibilities of were endless especially if they could harness the mutation and learn how to instill it into future operatives in the future extending the operation age of their operatives greatly.))

At the age of fifteen Jessica was kidnapped against her parents will to being the process of training and the telepathic instillation of a second personality that would be loyal to Section 31... Lily.

During which time Jessica's parents had to be dealt with. During a strong Florida hurricane, a power conduit was blew, arced, and back feed into the power grid. This back feed caused an explosion at the Signos home and both of Jessica's parents were killed. The blown power conduit was blamed and on the Hurricane and it was all covered under an unhappy accident during an disaster. Some made other accusations but little held and soon such accusation were silenced.

Jessica continued her schooling under the watchful eyes of S31 at a private academy. While Lily accomplished once mission after another for S31, has a now fully trained assassin. Until Her last mission lead to the hit of a high ranking corporate exec. that had plans on over throwing the federation. Jessica/Lily after the mission were accepted into the federation has a way to hide Lily's exsistance and to keep Jessica's genetic abnormality safe.


Starfleet Academy, public elementary and middle school, private dance. Private martial arts- Private academy (( Sanctioned by Section31 )) schooled until accepted into Starfleet Academy.


Right before entering Starfleet she did whatever was need to get accepted and out-run what had become her life. Always finding it out that how many people will try to take advantage of those that appear small and weak.


Jessica is currently assigned to the USS Rosenante under the command of Captain Salid.


Jessica's Medical History... She lived a normal life till the age of 13. When a dormant gene mutation took affect when she enter her adolescent years. This mutation all but stopped her aging process... Her youth was to be forever preserved but at what cost. Initial attempts to return her to the physical body her age called for only succeed in a painful, rapid aging process. That brought her close to the physical appearance she has now. It was also theorized, do to that treatment, that this same mutation that preserves her youth would be the one to kill her. Also do to this mutation and Section 31 took an interest into Jessica and used telepathy to instill a second personality into Jessica... Lily. Other than this Jessica (( Lily )) have suffered from a array of broken bones, bumps, bruises and some phaser fire from her time with S31. All of which have been repaired by S31 doctors.

((Lily was programmed into Jessica at the age of 15 so Lily has only been around for 10 years))


Jessica hobbies are due to the life she shared with her parents to include Phaser design and mechanics, dance, martial art practice/ sparring, holonovels: ( fantasy, romance, medieval, etc.), Shopping ( Which girl doesn't ), Roaming the Ship in light flowing dresses in her off duty hours.

(( Lily has developed a deep seated love for song and the art of singing, which over the last ten years she has grown quite proficient at ))


They are proficient in several styles of dance: Acrobatics,Gymnastics, ballet, Jazz... Martial arts to include Small Circle Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mo tai Kickboxing...

Awards and Commendations


Crew of the USS Rosenante
52nd Fleet Logo
Command Staff:
Operations Staff:
Medical Staff:
Counseling Staff:
Tactical & Security Staff:
Engineering Staff:
Science Staff:
Flight Operations Staff:
Other Starfleet Staff:
Retired Staff: