Music by Lo'ren

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This file contains a listing of song lyrics as sung by Ari Lo'ren T'Vof cha'Tarven. After each piece can be found a short synopsis of when the song was sung and an approximate Earth equivalent of the melody.

Little Bird, My Sweet.

"Many years, long since past
When I was but young,
My mother sang a song to me
Just as the day was done.
She sang me off to sleep that night
With voice so soft and low,
Though I was frightened of the trouble
I had come to know.
"Little bird, my sweet child.
Little bird, my darling,
Little bird, my baby sweet,
No harm will hurt your sleeping.
"My sleep that night was gentle,
My dreams, they were of beauty,
I heard no whisper in my sleep;
No nightmare came to snare me.
I woke to find my dream come true!
The terrors - they had fled.
I keep the memory of the morn,
The day my mother said:
"Little bird, my sweet child.
Little bird, my darling,
Little bird, my daughter sweet,
No harm will hurt your waking.
"The time for sorrow is gone.
The day of joy is here.
Our lives can find the happiness
we've lost for many years.
The seige that we were under
All our suffering is done
The foe has left our doorstep
the time to live has begun!
"Little bird, my sweet child.
Little bird, my darling,
Little bird, my daughter sweet,
Come join with me in singing."

This song was created and sung by Lo'ren at a gathering on board the USS Hades. The occassion was that of the Arborian Festival of Light, during which stories of triumph over adversity or of learning are shared. The tune is similar to a Terran song called "An Irish Lullaby"

Golden Slumbers

Golden slumber kiss your eyes,
Smiles await you when you rise.
Sleep, pretty baby,
Do not cry,
And I will sing you a lullaby.

Care is heavy, therefore sleep,
While I o'er you watch do keep.
Sleep, pretty darling,
Do not cry,
And I will sing you a lullaby. 

Written By Thomas Dekker

Lo'ren was sung this song in a dream by her mother, and has encorporated it into her repetoire.