Tiren III

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Tiren III
Tiren III
Primary: Beta Sigma
Class: Class M
Diameter: 13,813 Km
Mass: 7.153 * 1024 kg
Gravity: 9.35 m/sec2
Distance from Primary: .93 AU
Surface Temp.: +15.2 celsius avg.
Rotational Period: 28 hours, 03 minutes
Orbital Period: 343 days


Tiren is the third planet in the Beta Sigma solar system in the Beta Quadrant which up to stardate 2413.10.28 had not been studied by the Federation.

The planet is home to an indigenous sentient species that call themselves the Tirensu which dwell in clans and have a matriarchal system of leadership. The 'Cantor' is the repository of the wisdom and tales passed down through the clans and guides the people, adjudicating disputes and holding the people to certain codes of conduct.

Starfleet has only very recently established a scientific outpost upon Tiren III to study the indigenous life forms and with the Prime Directive in force has observed the Tirensu from a distance. The outpost is located in the northern hemisphere's temperate region.


Tiren's atmosphere is of standard Oxygen/Nitrogen mix with suspended water vapor and trace gases standard to a Class M world however the atmosphere is much denser than normal due to greenhouse gases and a thick ozone layer which results in a steamy though lush atmosphere in the equitorial region which has made for an abnormally wide tropical/subtropical region.

Northern and southern latitudes however are quite temperate and due to their higher elevation above sea level are noticeably cooler than contemporary regions on Earth. The polar regions though small are packed in ice year round.

Cooler temperatures in the temperate regions then moderate overall global temperature, making total mean temperatures only slightly above that of Earth.

The tropical and sub-tropical regions are amazingly rich and lush and full of plant and animal life. There is also a tremendously wide biodiversity in the other more temperate regions as well and in the seas and surface fresh water.


Tiren III is home to an amazingly rich range of plant and animal life both on land and in the seas and bodies of fresh water. eighty three percent of the varieties of flora and fauna are found in the tropical and sub tropical regions including the Life Vine which is native to and found only on this planet.

Vegatation includes fruits, herbs and grains of a dizzying array which are fit for consumption and the game animals are plentiful.

Predatory species though normally small can be quite deadly and many are equipped with poisonous quills or inject toxins by biting. The few larger predatory species are usually restricted to the temperate zones and hunt much larger game.

The Life Vine is a woody vine which can extend for several hundred meters through the dense tropical vegetation, its sap is a bluish green and contains microorganisms that feed on the nutrient rich liquid it contains. The microorganisms secrete phytochemicals and amino acids that have amazing regenerative properties when consumed by an ingestor, including many indigenous and alien ife forms. It is rumored to have near miraculous healing properties.


This planet has never been colonized by any race though it has been visited in the past by several Beta Quadrant species and now the Federation. A member of one Beta Quadrant race sold rumors of the Life Vine to the Orion Lord Gled Forsch who procured a ship and sent a hand picked crew to investigate.

The Commander of the ship did indeed bring back a sample of the Life Vine after contacting the Tirensu who refused to talk of it. Coercion was necessary and one inhabitant finally disclosed how to find the plant that provided the healing sap.

Tests on the sample proved promising and Gled has been outfitting the ship with enough equipment and cargo capacity to farm the plant with plans to fill its holds with the extract and sell it abroad as a low tech miracle drug with him as the only vendor. He believes that the gold-pressed latinum he makes from this expedition will be enough to catapult him into leadership of the Kintara Syndicate.

Tiren was first seen in the USS Hades mission A Day in the Sun