Rana Apar

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Rana Apar was a Starfleet Officer serving in the 52nd Fleet during the early 25th Century.

Personnel Profile

Service Record

Pre-Starfleet History

Rana was born the older of a set of twins on August 1, 2382, in Kirkwall, a small town in the Orkney Islands north of Sctoland, on Earth. Her parents were stationed there by the Federation Science Council to study the flora there. However, once their research ended, they decided to stay there, and raise their children. Kirkwall was a very small town, with a population of only about 10,000, so Rana grew up knowing and playing with just about every kid in the village.
A view of Kirkwall, Earth

She graduated from high school in 2400, and applied to Oxford University. However, soon after, she reallized that she wasn't cut out for life at Oxford, and dropped out soon after. She floated around for about a year, before finding herself in San Francisco, where she enrolled in Starfleet Academy in 2402.

Academy Life

Rana had a much better experience at the Academy than at Oxford University. She majored in Tactical Studies and minored in Exo-Linguistics. Having worked with the Federation Cargo Service, Sol branch, she had quite a bit of experience with piloting shuttles and other small craft. Due to this, she became one of the few cadets to join Nova Squadron in her plebe year. She soon became friends with the captain of teh squadron, Joran Matthew Brownlee, and by 2404, that friendship had blossomed into romance.

She graduated at the top of her class in 2406, and was promoted to ensign, junior grade and assigned to theUSS Paladin (NCC-52776) soon after as Assistant Tactical/Security Chief.

Recent Career

Her time on the USS Paladin (NCC-52776) began on Stardate 83864, soon after the end of the Battle of Gamma Sigma. Her first major mission was to the mysterious alien ship in early 2407, in which she was assigned to the Third Officer's away team, and helped to guard the team as they downloaded the alien database to see what exactly happened to it. She also participated in the battle to take and hold Starbase 234 on Stardate 2407.01.15. The most recent mission to Beta Aquari III has really tested her, as she manned the Tactical station throughout the battle. Now, she is helping oversee repairs to the ship, as it suffered greatly during the course of the battle.

Medical Record

Personal Life

Personal Relationships

Psychological Profile

