Dead or Alive

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Color II

After the successful first command mission of Captain Calvin Capps, it was at the disgression of Starfleet that the crew of the USS Boudicca be assigned a mission that would prove less involved than previous assignments. The crew was tasked with inspecting Color II, a planet recently accepted into the United Federation of Planets. The crew was to make sure that the planet adhered to all aspects of the Federation charter. The mission seemed to be a degree less stressful than dealing with pirates and was a welcomed mission to the crew.

A Deafening Silence

Upon arrival at Color II the crew received no response to their attempts to hail the planet. It almost seemed as if the entire population had abandoned the planet's surface. However, that proved to be false, when initial scans indicated that the planet's population had been greatly reduced in comparison to information transmitted only days prior. For a better grasps of the situation Captain Calvin Capps ordered three away teams down to find out what had happened to the inhabitants of Color II.

The first team to beam down comprised of security officers to secure the landing site before the other departments beamed down. Once everyone was present Captain Capps ordered a radial scan of the surrounding area and in pairs everyone moved out in a dedicated cardinal direction. Lieutenant Mia Saryn and Lieutenant Ryko Skylynx traveled north with the Captain, Lieutenant Detron Trei and Ensign Elizabeth Caspian traveled west, and Lieutenant Henry Jacobs and Ensign Stephan Getman were ordered to the east. This left lieutenant Deynyk Rinn]] to explore the area immediately surrounding the transport site.

To the north the Captain and his team entered an abandoned store only to find dismembered bodies in a blood - soaked room prompting them to return back to the rendezvous point. Whatever had taken place on the planet had decidedly been very violent in nature.

While traveling to the west Dr. Caspian underwent a mental attack from an unknown assailant. This required Trei to assist her back to the transport site. The full force of the attack was very debilitating, and only later would the away team realize that this was their first encounter with the creature known as the Beast.

Meanwhile, while exploring what seemed to be the surface storage unit for the power harvested from the planet's core, byt the Geothermal power planet deep beneath the city's surface, Jacobs was assaulted and temporarily captured by two local inhabitants. He was rescued within minutes by Getman and a small security detail.

They Came In Droves

Soon the away team learned that many of the inhabitants of Color II had been somehow infected and were now in a zombified state. A horde of the zombies chased the away team into the power warehouse where Getman had just rescued Jacobs from his captures.

The inhabitants of Color II

The mysterious beast of Color II


USS Boudicca Missions
Missions: The Anointed | Fires of Heaven | To Each His Own | A Blast From The Past | Swords To Ploughshares | Downtime | The Loudest Silence | Through The Looking Glass | Where Fools Fear To Tread | Just Another Saturday Night | Once More Into The Breach | Personal Logs | Bandits on the Surface | Dead or Alive | Starting Over | The Raven's Nest | Recurrent