Francisco Mendez

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"Paco" Mendez
Name: Francisco "Paco" Mendez
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 33
Position: Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
Ship: Starbase Roanoke
Status: Inactive

Francisco "Paco" Mendez is an assistant engineer onboard the USS Nimitz.


Pre-Starfleet Life

Mendez was born in a region on Earth called Mexico. His family was mostly galactic traders who deal in the trading of important raw materals. He often spend time at his Grandfather's house, when Mexican Brown Bears (a subspecies of the Kodiak Bear) would come near this house. (This would later play a role when Mendez meets Lt. Zzt.)

Mendez was a very lazy child, and didn't really know what to do in his life. He liked problem sloving things, and thought about being a repair engineer for a galactic trading company, but choose to join Starfleet because he would have access to newer, better and cleaner technology.

Starfleet Academy

Mendez barely passed the entrance exam with the lowest possible passing grade. His Academy record has many accounds of reports of fighting with other students. Also, he harrassed female cadets. He was almost expelled several times, the only thing keeping him in the Academy was his good grades, mostly in classes that required high levels of problem sloving.

Despite his problems, he graduated the Academy, class of 2401, and was given the rank of Ensign (Junior Grade) and sent to work on the USS Rednez.

First Assignment, USS Rednez

USS Rednez

Mendez was assigned to the Rednez and worked hard, even though he was passed over for promotion. During his time on the Rednez, he grew to become annoyed with his the Chief Engineering and CO, for passing him over. He grew to have displaced anger at all people ranked above him.

He was thrown in the brig for 30 days when for repeated tardyness, althought personal logs from the various Rednez crewmembers say that Mendez made a romantic advance on the captain's 19 year old daughter who was visiting the ship. Shortly there after, Mendez was sent to another ship, the USS Larson.

Serving on board the USS Larson

Mendez had a very 'normal' tour of duty with the USS Larson, which was a science vessel. He performed at a standared level and was promoted to Ensign and later Lieutenant (JG).

He felt that he was not being promoted fast enough, so he requested a transfer off the Larson. He was denied three times. The CEO and FO both came to him and asked him to stay onboard because he was a hardworking engineer.

Mendez was intent on getting off the Larson because he felt he could be promoted up the ranks more quickly on another ship. The command staff deined his transfer, once again and Mendez' behavior became more and more erratic and troublesome. After many stays in the brig, and ordered counseling session, Mendez was ordered to a court martial, but then it appeared the early conflicts of the Federation Civil War were starting, and the Larson's CO, not wishing to wash out a good engineer, finally approved his transfer, to the USS Wright.

Second Assignment, USS Wright

The USS Wright.

Author's Note: Sense a pattern here? ;)

At first, Mendez had a very 'normal' tour of duty with the USS Wright, which was a exploration vessel, however, it was war and the USS Wright was mostly engaged in combat patrol, since this was before formal hostilites broke out with Doentiz. (See Federation Civil War) He performed at a standared level and was promoted to Lieutenant and make ACEO, but ony because the only ACEO was killed during a skirmish with one of Doentiz' ships.

Again, he felt he was not being promted fast enough, so he requested a transfer off the Larson. He was deined seven times. Mendez' behavior became more and more erratic and troublesome. After the CO and the FO had a confernce, they finally agreed to send him to the USS Nimitz.

Third Assignment, USS Nimitz

The USS Nimitz

Mendez arrived onboard the Nimitz and met with the first officer, Edward Wolfe. Wolfe and Mendez disliked each other, and meeting did not go well for Mendez. Later, Mendez met Yeoman Ansia Rozen, who he tried to 'pick up'. However she returned his advances and told him that she had a CO-ordered counselor's appointment. Mendez became angry, thinking she was trying to blow her off, and said rude things to her. The next day, during a savanger hunt, Mendez was speaking with Ensign Riz and called Wolfe 'high and mighty Wolfe' obviously in a mocking manner. Wolfe demanded to speak with Mendez the next morning. If that wasn't enough excitment for one day, later in the game, Mendez' arm was broken by Crewman Debbie Weston. Mendez was very upset and complained to Security Chief Dru Tagon and Wolfe.

Mission: Stitch in Time

The next morning, at his meeting with Wolfe, Mendez was demoted to Lieutenat (Junior Grade). Mendez was dejected, and very unhappy. He began depression-like symptomps. He began working on a makeshift cloaking device out of the midship generators, but was not very happy. We was beamed to the USS Flying Fortress and helped them with some repairs, and was very low during this part. It remains to be seen if Mendez is changed, or if this behavoir will pass and Mendez is still Mendez.

The following took place in an alternate timeline. It was erased when the timeline was corrected.
Mendez remained mostly quiet while serving his duty, but when the Nimitz entered Earth orbit and was attacked, Mendez lead a repair team to below decks to help in repairs. An Ensign McCarthy, a young officer, was quiet shaken over a horribly burned crewmen, and Mendez stopped to help him gather himself. While this happened, Mendez and McCarthy became trapped in a small section of the corridor. Mendez gained an injury to his back, however, he and McCarthy began trying to digging a way through the wall of rubble.
McCarthy and Mendez freed themselves, only to discover the Nimitz had been taken by Doenitz-loyal Marines. McCarthy suggested hiding themselves until LoDona-loyal forces could retake the ship, however, Mendez convinced the younger officer they were to steal a shuttlecraft and join the away team on the surface, however, this proved to be a mistake has the enemy Marines had the Main Shuttlebay guarded heavily, and in a struggle, Mendez was lightly injuried and captured and McCarthy was killed.
Mendez was taken to a prison and three years passed. During the time in prison, Dartena Bixx began formulating a plan to escape. Mendez helpped with the plan, by scouting the guards with another ex-Nimitz officer, Charlie Buckland. The escape attempted started, and the former away team from the Nimitz, which had been transported to 2410, appeared with shuttles and began rescuing the prisoners, however, Mendez and Buckland were killed in the escape attempt. When the Nimitz crew corrected the timeline, Mendez and Buckland were restored.

Mission: A Taste of Hate

Mendez continued remain acting depressed and continued his duties nominally.

Fourth Assignemnt, Starbase Roanoke

Following the Nimitz' mission at Geneva, Mendez was reassigned to Starbase Roanoke.

This character is currently inactive.

Mendez is played by Kevin Schram