Ash Divay

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Ensign Ash Divay

Ensign Ash Divay Joined USS Dennison as a Asst. Tactical Officer/Security Chief.

He is currently MIA.


Ash was born on Earth on the fertile planes of central India on Divay's Family ranch. Ash's father, a retired Marine General Vijay Divay met Ash's mother- a Canadian Doctor named Kate McParson on moon base during a Klingon-Federation Joint exercise. It was love at first sight and they both got married and moved to the Central Indian Country side to raise crops.

Ash grew up riding horses and playing in fields often getting hurt and often in trouble. It was after Ash got into a serous fight with a Klingon student that General V. Divay Decided to send his son to Wellington Military school in Southern India. After graduation from High School Ash decided to apply for IIT Bombay where he studied Advanced Computers in Encryption and Cryptography.

It was his father's influnce that got Ash to sign up with the Marines. Signing up at Parise Island Ash was quickly transfered to Special Operations in Ft.Bragg.

It was here that he met his good friend Cpl. Ryan. Both were good friends for rest of the tranning period. But fate had other plans ,During a classified Weapons Testing Cpl.Ryan was killed and Ash lost is left hand from below his elbow.

Ash was later transfered to Medical facility where he was treated for PTSD under the supervision of Commander Falkirk (CMO). Soon after Ash was discharged from the Marines strangely Ash had forgotten all about the incident. It was later understood that certain parts of Ash's memory were blocked maybe in Ft. Bragg.Doctor Lewis Nymes Have been able to assist Ash in regaining some parts of the memory but not all.

Upon his return to his home town Ash decided to join Starfleet. He signed up and was sent to Starfleet Academy where he excled in Tactical and Security. Ash was top of his class in Sharpshooter and Close quarter Combat and Hand to hand combat. Ash spend last one week of the Academy under Hali Morris.


USS Dennison (NCC-91367) Ensign Ash Divay was ATAC/SEC onboard USS Dennison (NCC-91367)

Ensign Ash Divay's current status is unknown. And is considered MIA. There were speculation that he was taken prisoner by the SFI. However there is no way to prove this.

Misc Info

Hobbies - Holonovels,Phaser ranges,Ash wears a 20th Centuary Timex Digital watch on his left wrist.