The Anointed

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After an encounter with the converted Ferengi D'Kora Class Dracul and the Doenitz starship USS Exeter the USS Boudicca limped back to Starbase Geneva for some much needed repair work. With the ship badly damaged during the fight, the ship yard crews set to work bringing the mighty Keltoi Class starship back to full operational ability.

But the starship was not all that was damaged in the fighting. Marine Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Eva Straton, injured during the battle ,discovered her inability to control her own powerful telepathic abilities. After nearly killing Alexander Stolev when her ability to control her telepathy failed, Straton requested a shuttlecraft and some much needed leave time to allow her the opportunity to rebuild her mental defenses. But little did she know that her desire to be isolated for a short time in order to re-establish her mental balance, would plunge her into another realm.

The Kitty Hawk

With the Boudicca damaged and the Dracul still operating behind the lines against 52nd Fleet ships, the command staff of the Boudicca were temporarily assigned to the USS Kitty Hawk, A Miranda Class starship. Tasked with the initial assignment to seek out and engage the Dracul, with the intention of capturing or destroying that ship, the Kitty Hawk left Starbase Geneva after being equipped with a phased cloaking device.

The D'Kora Class Dracul would still be a significant match for the Kitty Hawk even with the use of the newly installed cloaking device. While the Kitty Hawk began her hunt members of the Station's engineering yard began the repair and refit of the USS Boudicca.

The Planet

After three full days of travel, Eva Straton located a small reasonably isolated area in the Harvis System to reflect and meditate. The system consisted of a couple of small uninhabited planets and moons. However, it was also home to an Interdimensional Rift and Eva's timing couldn't have been worse.

Already feeling the effects of a hormonal and chemical imbalance caused by her pregnancy and exasperated by her recent lack of telepathic contact, Eva was already, unknowingly hallucinating.

To further compound this situation, the planet Iradon which is on a 1,000 year cycle of transgressing between two distinctly different universes, chose that exact moment to reappear into our universe.

The planet appeared directly in the path of Straton's shuttlecraft accompanied by strong bursts of gravimetric and quantum energies unlike any encountered in this universe before.

Unable to evade the sudden appearance of the planet, Eva's shuttle plunged into the atmosphere, but not before managing a distress call. The shuttle was affected by a strange quantum field which caused almost every system on the small ship to fail. As a result, only Eva's piloting skills managed to get the shuttle down without killing her. She was injured in the crash, however, and suffered a serious head injury which gave her amnesia.

The local inhabitants of the planet, Iradonians found the wreckage and recovered Eva. They treated her physical injuries, but could not help her amnesia.

Being a strong telepath, Eva began to pick up on the thoughts of the locals that had rescued her and began to believe herself to be the Anointed of Alazara. Still under the hallucinatory effects of the chemical imbalance, and having no past memories to draw upon, Eva assumed the role of the Anointed and began to gather to her an army of Iradonians to overthrown the local Duke as the leader of the planet. The army consisted of the loyal followers of the High Priestess Cereus who was the leader of the rebellion against the mysterious figure known only as the Duke. Under the guise of the Anointed, Eva began to use her telepathic powers against those that opposed her, even as she began to exhibit delusions of god-like proportions.

The Presence of Straton was foretold as a prophesy and so it was not a difficult leap of faith for the followers of Alazara to promote her as the Anointed. Since the male nobles, who were their enemies possessed limited telepathic powers, the appearance of a female telepath was a significant step in solidifying the power base of the Rebellion which was female leadership oriented.


Meanwhile aboard the Kitty Hawk, Eva's distress signal was detected and the ship was ordered by Captain Caladryll Sevant to move to assist. Upon arriving at the system, it was quickly apparent that the planet was unusual, although the exact nature of the phenomenon was indeterminate. Attempts to locate the exact location of the crashed shuttlecraft were thwarted when sensors failed to operate well enough to isolate any sign of the Federation vessel's energy signature. because of this, it was decided to deploy a rescue team who would also deploy by shuttlecraft since the transporters could not be trusted. After some research by the science department it was determined what the locals looked like and that they were approximately equal technologically to Earth's Medieval era. The away team was equipped and cosmetically altered to allow themselves to fit in more readily with the local population.

An away team was assembled and consisted of the following personnel:

All that the team realized was that Straton was somewhere on the planet, but they were not aware of the situation that Eva was in. They had no way of knowing exactly where she was or if she was even still alive.

Prepared for their mission, they departed the Kitty Hawk aboard the Shuttlecraft Fang.

A Second Crash

Immediately upon entering the planets atmosphere, it became apparent that there was a serious problem. Systems all over the shuttle began to fail unexpectedly. They were not damaged, yet somehow they simply stopped functioning. The result was very similar to that of Eva's shuttle. They crashed.

Matthew McLaren managed to put the shuttle down smoothly enough to prevent any serious injuries, although the roughness of the landing was enough to cause serious damage to the shuttle craft. To make matters less appealing, it was discovered that all of their equipment was inoperable, a result of the same energetic affect that had caused the systems on the shuttlecraft to fail.

The Investigation

Now trapped on the planet along with Eva, it was decided that they away team should begin searching for the missing marine and that once they had located her and assessed their situation they would then determine their next course of action.

They had already managed to establish a rough crash site for Eva's shuttle and so the party set off on their search.

The World Ship

Meanwhile, back in orbit the USS Kitty Hawk detected another distress signal from an unidentified vessel. Unaware that their away team had crashed, the Kitty Hawk broke orbit to respond to the plea for help.

Repairs Underway

Back on Starbase Geneva Commander Zzt, Ensign Robert Lorimar and members of the Geneva yard crews worked solidly to repair the Boudicca as quickly as possible. A new, although temporary Commanding Officer Commander Archibald Stakes assumed command of the Boudicca in dry dock and oversaw the transfer of new crew as well as the general repair status of the ship.



USS Boudicca Missions
Missions: The Anointed | Fires of Heaven | To Each His Own | A Blast From The Past | Swords To Ploughshares | Downtime | The Loudest Silence | Through The Looking Glass | Where Fools Fear To Tread | Just Another Saturday Night | Once More Into The Breach | Personal Logs | Bandits on the Surface | Dead or Alive | Starting Over | The Raven's Nest | Recurrent