USS Rosenante

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USS Rosenanté
The USS Rosenanté NCC–924650
Registry: NCC-924650
Class: Rosenanté Class
Configuration: Long-range Explorer
Launched: 2408.01.07
Commanding Officer: Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid
First Officer: Lt. Jono Janeway
Status: Active

The USS Rosenanté is a Rosenanté Class Starship currently serving the 52nd Fleet.

You can find the Technical Specifications of the USS Rosenanté here.

To view the detailed design specifications of the USS Rosenanté click here

View the Deck Plans here.

Crew Roster

Command Staff

Commanding Officer, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid - Human

Acting First Officer, Lieutenant (SG) Jono Janeway - Human

Acting Second Officer, Lieutenant (SG) T'Larah Sullivan - Vulcan/Human

Third Officer, Ensign(SG) Jon Nayati - Human

Operations Staff

Acting Chief of OPS, Ensign Robert Smith - Human

Chief of OPS, Lieutenant (SG) Tom Jackson - Human

Medical Staff

Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant (SG) Josh Caskie - Human

Nurse, Ensign (JG) M'Epak - Klingon

Chief Field Medic, Senior Chief Petty Officer, Nathan Allen Fuller- Human

Counselling Staff

Chief Counsellor, Ensign (SG) Jon Nayati - Human

Counsellor, Ensign (JG) Sally Trent - Human

Tactical/Security Staff

Acting Security Chief, Ensign (SG) Chance Raschen - Human

Tactical Chief, Lieutenant (SG) T'Larah Sullivan - Vulcan/Human

Security Officer, Lieutenant (JG) Ro'Dal - Takaran

ATAC, Ensign (JG) V'Shera - Vulcan

Engineering Staff

Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Bird - Human

Specialist Engineer, Lieutenant (SG) Steven Wade Matrix - Human

Engineering Officer, Ensign (JG) T'Kron - Vulcan

Science Staff

Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant(jg) Megan Tallos - Human

Assistant Chief Science Officer, Ensign (SG) Samantha Wilde' Fiacie - Human/Betazoid


Marine Officer, 2nd Lieutenant Kennith Smith - Human

Marine Recon Squad CO, Gunnery Sergeant Rellam Tam - Trill

Marine Communications Specialist, Private First Class Marte "The Nun" Nunez

Marine Sniper, Corporal Terry 'Red-Eye' Blazing-tune

Flight Operations

CONN, Lieutenant (JG) Dralar - Skorr

Starfleet Command



Child, Sebastian 'Seb' Olivia Rawdon - Human

Fleet Update

Having launched officially on 2408.01.15, the USS Rosenante has just received her first ever mission - to find a suitable planet for the resettlement of the colony from Ivor Prime. As well as her usual complement, the Rosenante carries aboard Dr Laura Schell, the Chairperson-Elect of the Ivor Prime survivors group, and other members of the ruling committee which calls itself the Ashes of Ivor Prime. FNN reporter Hal Stanza and his cameraman Davok, winners of the Rodenberry Award for the documentary 'The Final Flight of the Champlain', are also aboard at the behest of SFHQ to record the Rosenante's maiden voyage and the search for the new home for the former colonists of Ivor Prime.

On her way to Optima 7, the first system to be checked out, the Rosenante intercepted a distress call from Captain Jason Carter of the SS Sky of Tomorrow, and has diverted to investigate. They are but three hours away; what awaits them is as yet unknown but the distress call makes disturbing hearing and the crew of the Rosenante are gearing up to prepare for the worst.

- Liz Geuken, February 2008

First Officer's Log

Stardate 2408.01.22

It has been a very hectic and stressful last 24-hours since the Rosenante responded to the general distress beacon for the Federation Freighter "Sky of Tomorrow." We changed course from the Optima system to intercept the freighter in orbit around Davros III, a federation mining out post of formerly 1500 inhabitants.

When we arrived, we were unable to establish contact with either the freighter or the colony. An Away Team was sent aboard the freighter where they discovered several dismembered appendages, that for the moment we believe belong to the ship's crew. These limbs were ambulatory, animated by some sort of Borg nanoprobes derived nanites. The away team returned to the ship in a hurry and the vessel was quarantined.

Fearing the worst, an away team, led by myself, beamed down to the surface of Davros III where we found the colony a virtual ghost town. All indications were that the township had been abandoned. Trying to make some sense of what we were seeing we made our way to the residence of Doctor Amanda Lawson, who according to the records was a preeminent expert on Borg nanotechnology.

Suspecting that she had somehow caused some sort of infectious outbreak of Borg-like nanoprobes, we searched her residence to discover a secret laboratory which was missing several critical pieces of lab equipment. Also present were a pair of mine tunnels exiting the lab and moving into the mines used by the workers.

After summoning a second security team to search the second tunnel, we set off in search of survivors who may have taken refuge in the tunnels. After several hours without success, we encountered a new species embattled with the now-infected miners.

We lent aid to the individual and discovered that he knew much more about what was happening than we did. The traveler, Sharott Nachook was an Opthidian, and the nanites that had caused the infestation of the miners were self-aware although not classifiable as sentient. The nanites were derived from Borg nanoprobes for medical use; and while they had been used for a century or more on the Opthidian homeworld, they eventually began assimilating their hosts. At first the hosts were alive, but eventually the nanite colonies began to murder their hosts and occupy their corpses.

After we were attacked by a large group of infested miners, in which three members of the away team's security members were killed. We managed a desperate beam-up to the Rosenante.

Nachook carries within his body a viral cure that when deployed into the planet's Biosphere will actively kill all living things on the planet, which in turn will cause the destruction of the nanite colonies there.

This viral weapon will be extracted by Doctor Caskie and placed in a modified quantum torpedo housing for deployment. It is my opinion as well as the opinion of captain Rivers that these nanite pose a potential health threat to the entire quadrant and that we have no choice other than to sterilize the planet and place it under quarantine for at least the next 200 standard years.

As I record this message, my Engineering team, consisting of Lieutenant's Bird and Matrix are modifying the delivery system while Doctor Caskie and her staff are attempting to extract the viral agent carried by Mister Nachook.

Ensigns Ro'Dal and Raschen will be transferring the only nanite sample aboard the Rosenante back to the Sky of Tomorrow, so that it may be vaporized when we destroy the freighter to ensure the eradication of this threat.

It is also my belief that Mister Nachook will be able to return home once we have completed this stage of our mission. The tracker has indicated that there is at least one of his people's vessels nearby, although currently we have no indication that this is true.

  • end log*

- Daniel Greene, April 2008


A Fine and Private Place

A routine enough mission to find a new home for the survivors of Ivor Prime is interrupted by a disturbing distress call, and the Rosenante goes to investigate. More details

Dedication Plaque



Rosenante image compliments of Roger Wackowski

Dedication plaque by Bosshard