USS Champlain

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USS Champlain
The USS Champlain
The USS Champlain
Registry: NCC-2170-C
Class: Modified Galaxy Class
Affiliation: LoDona
Launched: 2407.03.02
Commanding Officer: Captain Susan Rivers
First Officer: Lt.Commander Ahmed Ibn Salid
Status: Active

The USS Champlain is a Modified Galaxy Class Starship currently serving the 52nd Fleet. It is currently under command of Captain Susan Rivers.

To view the Technical Specifications of the USS Champlain click here

Crew Roster

Command Staff

Commanding Officer, Captain Susan Rivers - Bajoran/Human

First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Ahmed Ibn Salid - Human

Second Officer, Lieutenant Commander Brianna Frazier - Half Human, Half Betazoid

Third Officer, Lieutenant (SG) Jono Janeway - Human

Operations Staff

Chief Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Brianna Frazier - Half Human, Half Betazoid

Operations Officer, Ensign (JG) Zanarra - Vulcan

Operations Officer, Ensign Robert Smith - Human

CONN/OPS, Lieutenant (JG) Dralar - Skorr


Bridge System Specialist, VACANT

Counselling and Medical Staff

Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant (JG) Josh Caskie - Human

Asst. CMO, Lieutenant (JG) Nissa Whetari - Aldean

Asst. CMO, Ensign (SG) Henna-star - Orion

Nurse, Ensign (JG) Katherine (Kitty) Fisher - Human (NPC)

Coroner, Lieutenant (JG) Vladmir Goldmark - Human/Reman

Chief Field Medic, Nathan Allen Fuller - Human

Chief Counsellor, Lieutenant (JG) Olen Rhinehart - Human

Counsellor, Ensign (JG) Sally Trent - Human

Counsellor, Ensign (SG) Dorga cha' Nooras - Vulcan/Klingon

Tactical/Security Staff

Security Chief, Lieutenant (SG) Jono Janeway - Human

Asst. Security Chief, Lieutenant (JG) Bohb - Magillian

Tactical Chief, Lieutenant (SG) T'Larah Sullivan - Half Human Half Vulcan

TAC/ASC, Ensign (JG) Sam Phillips Moto - Human

Security Officer, Ensign (JG) Ro'Dal - Takaran

Security Officer, CPO Kohlass - Klingon

Security Officer, VACANT

Engineering Staff

Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Bird - Human

Engineering Officer, Ensign (JG) K't'r's - Hamalki

Engineering Officer, Ensign (SG) James Hudson - Human

Engineering Crewman, Apprentice Chuss - Klingon

Engineering Officer, Ensign (SG) T'Kusilaya - Vulcan

Engineering Officer, Ensign (JG) T'Kron - Vulcan

Science Staff

Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant(jg) Megan Tallos - Human

Assistant Chief Science Officer, Ensign (SG) Serixs Ssarumon - Gorn

Assistant Chief Science Officer, Ensign (SG) Samantha Wilde' Fiacie - Human/Betazoid

Assistant Science Officer, Ensign (SG) Derrick La Qua - Human

Scientific Personnel, VACANT

Starfleet Intelligence



Acting MCO, Lt. Colonel Leonal Drizzt - Andorian

Marine Recon Squad CO, Gunnery Sergeant Rellam Tam - Trill

Marine Communications Specialist, Private First Class Marte "The Nun" Nunez

Marine Sniper, Coporal Terry 'Red-Eye' Blazing-tune

Flight Operations

CONN, Lieutenant (JG) Dralar - Skorr

Starfleet Command

Ambassador, Suentar - Vulcan

Awaiting Trial for Treason, Crewman James Alexander


House Pet, Norman - Felinus Domesticus

Child, Sebastian 'Seb' Olivia Rawdon - Human

Child, Toral Shun - Bajoran

Child, Toral Loren - Bajoran

Civillian, Laura Hannah Schell - Human

Fleet Update

Written by JP B

The newest ship in the fleet prepares for its great adventure as it embarks on a mission of exploration on the fringes of the Beta Quadrant. Join the USS Champlain on its mission!


Worlds Once Lost

After spending a week getting the ship and crew ready for their mission, and ironing the bugs out of the new ship, it is finally ready to unveil the mission...

The USS Champlain is dispatched to the area of the Typhon Expanse to investigate Ivor Prime.

Ivor Prime was a former Federation colony destroyed by the Borg in 2373. The former colony is to be surveyed and a report on the suitability for recolonization is to be sent in to Admiral Lodona. As this is on the fringes of areas of Borg sightings, as well as being in an area strategically important to Admiral Doenitz, the danger is high.

Deep Space Five

En route to Ivor Prime, the Champlain found itself diverted to take Deep Space 5 for Lodona.

Stardate: 2407.03.04 -by GrannyGM

Captain U'Gaeth

A small away team comprised of Ensigns Derrick LaQua, SO; Olen Rhinehart, Couns; T’Larah Sullivan, ATAC/ASC; and Brianna Frazier; Ops, and led by Captain Edward Wolfe, has been dispatched on a classified mission to secure the strategically important DS5 for Lodona’s 52nd Fleet. The objective is infiltrate the station, and then to convince its Andorian commander, Captain U'gaeth, a Doenitz loyalist, to step down. He will be replaced by the station’s First Officer, who is aligned with Lodona. The specially modified, moderately disguised shuttle in which the team is approaching the station is also carrying weapons for Lodona’s forces.

The mission appears fairly simple. If all goes as planned, the takeover will be bloodless. The team is as well-prepared as possible, but with the exception of Captain Wolfe, they are all green. Wolfe is more aware than the rest of his fresh team how a simple seeming mission can go awry.

Stardate: 2407.03.05

The Champlain's mission to liberate Deep Space 5 was a success. Following a successful infiltration by Ensign Frazier and her team, Counsellor Rhinehart was able to gain access to the command module, and convince the station commander Captain U'Gaeth to relinquish command without further bloodshed.

Ivor Prime

Following the liberation of Deep Space 5, the Champlain's mission began in earnest - tasked with investigating the colony world of Ivor Prime as a potential home for refugees of the civil war. The planet's status had been unknown since contact was lost in the wake of a Borg attack in 2373, some 30 years ago. Wolfe and his crew were anticipating a grim and disturbing scene, but upon transporting to the surface, found the colony queerly deserted and undamaged. It was soon discovered that the colonists had been transported by one Dr Laura Schell, a senior theoretical physicist, to an incorporeal dimension in order to evade the Borg's impending attack. After Captain Wolfe was accidentally transported to the same void, the crew were able to return him, along with a number of the colonists, and left the colony in the hands of a reconstruction task force following in the Champlain's wake.

The Hephaestus Principle

A week after the Champlain left Ivor Prime, the crew were once more assembled on the bridge. An unexpected warp vessel had been discovered deep in uncharted space, and adding to the mystery, it exhibited a Federation warp signature. The Champlain set course for the nearby planet of Irlix, assumed to be the source of the mysterious warp-capable vessel, and began to plan for two simultaneous operations, a first contact mission, and a covert investigation of the Irlixian acquisition of warp technology.

A day later, however, the mission was in tatters. Caught off guard by the Irlixians firing upon them, the Champlain was blind-sided as she retreated by the cloaked USS Wyvern waiting in ambush. The Wyvern pressed the attack mercilessly. But in that moment, Wolfe seemed stricken with paralysis, almost catatonia. It cost him, and the ship, his life. A photon torpedo strike near the bridge left the command chair a devastated wreck, the explosion of which claimed the lives of several other senior personnel and left Counsellot Rhinehart badly burned.

Thanks to quick thinking by Lt Frazier and the surviving crew members, the dire situation was rescued, and the Wyvern was disabled. A boarding party led by Lt Janeway was able to negotiate the surrender of the Doenitz crew, and bring the nebula-class home to Geneva as a trophy ship.

The Champlain's first voyage, barely a month in length, had come to a noble, if tragic end.

Beyond Vengeance

Mission currently underway. Reports pending.